Author: Naomi Carroll

How to Create a Routine to Keep Your Home Neat

How to Create a Routine to Keep Your Home Neat

  Learn how to keep your home organized and neat with this technique. Life is busy, and it’s hard to find time to stay organized amidst the chaos. Join me as I discuss a method for the madness.   Element5 Digital/     Do you 

Easy Homemade Ranch Dressing

Easy Homemade Ranch Dressing

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17 Tips to Make Hosting Easier

17 Tips to Make Hosting Easier



Learn 17 tips and tricks to make hosting easier and more enjoyable. This post will give you ideas to plan stress-free visits and teach a routine to keep the house clean for your guests!

how to host dinners


I love hosting others at our home, but sometimes I wonder why I’m doing it. Do people appreciate my hospitality enough for my stress to be worth it?

I am not an extrovert, so spending lots of time with others is hard. I would rather spend time with just my hubby. For most of our first year of marriage, hosting was very stressful because I was so busy, and keeping the house clean was difficult. I still struggle with this sometimes, but I figured out a routine that has made it much less stressful while allowing me to more fully enjoy the company of our guests.

Why does hosting create stress? For me, it’s usually because the house isn’t clean, I have to figure out what to cook, and I’m worrying about what our guests will think of our house. Is my decor cute? Is the food good? Is everything squeaky clean? These are all the things that make me dread having family or friends over. I have to “impress” them.


Another reason hosting might feel hard is that you’re worrying about whether your home is big enough for a group of people. It could be that you don’t have much room. But who said you have to have big parties? Why not have only one small family or a person over at a time? Oftentimes, those situations create the best opportunities for visiting one-on-one instead of merely “mingling” during a larger event. The key is to keep it simple.





So, why host?

Hosting at your own home is a cheaper way to meet up with people than going out for dinner, coffee, or some other activity that requires money. It’s a budget-friendly way to visit.

And because your home reflects who you are, people usually feel more welcomed into your life when you invite them into that environment.

Time spent with those you love is a gift and a greater wealth than many riches. Despite the stress I’ve experienced due to hosting, I’ve learned that it’s a wonderful blessing- for me and for those coming into my home. I cannot count the number of sweet memories I have from hosting friends and family.





Cleaning tips:

Ok, so you’ve saved the date, but the house is still chaotic… If you’re anything like me, you may not have a lot of time to deep clean your entire house, but keeping up on the simple chores is a great help in making the house tidy and presentable. If you make it a habit to host people regularly, then cleaning will become part of your routine and will start to feel normal.


tips for house cleaning


Here’s a few things that make a huge difference in the presentation of your home, and you can get them done in 5-15- minute segments throughout the day. Remember, you do NOT have to spend hours cleaning, and that mindset will bog you down! (See “How to Create a Routine to Keep Your Home Neat” for more details)



  • Tidy up any table spaces
  • Clean the bathroom
  • Thoroughly wipe down kitchen counters
  • Clean the kitchen sink
  • Change out kitchen and bathroom hand towels and dishcloths
  • Run a vacuum over the floor


Extra tip:

Choose a basket or cart that acts as a catch-all for the practical things you don’t want out while people are over. (I’m thinking things like the mail, books, office supplies, etc. that are necessary to have out, but they’re private or not that pretty.) I have a rolling cart for this purpose, and it makes my life much easier. I just roll it down the hall into our bedroom when we’re hosting, and no one sees a thing! A roll-top desk will also do the trick.


home organization tips



Another thing you can do to minimize hassle and extra cleaning is to plan out your week based on when you have guests over. For example, my husband and I often host friends on Sunday evenings, meaning I’ve already cleaned up the house for Monday, which is when I have my students over for lessons. Then on Tuesday evenings, we host a Bible study, meaning I’ve tidied up the house and it will be clean for Wednesday night, which is when we have family over. Other than doing dishes and cleaning up the kitchen, there’s not much cleaning I need to do in between those events.


I enjoy hosting at the beginning of the week because I can start the week off fresh, with a clean house and minimal dishes.


cute daily planner

You may not choose to do it like I do, but find YOUR rhythm, and it will probably feel much easier!



Keep it casual:

If you’re a busy person, you get stressed easily, or don’t enjoy cooking, I got you! Here’s some tips to keep it casual and as stress-free as possible:



  • Do it potluck style! If you’re inviting people over for a meal or snack, try doing a potluck. Ask everyone to chip in and bring a side dish or drink. I’m a big fan of doing this and it makes it so much easier to host meals.
  • Snacks for dinner! If you’re on cooking duty, then make it a “snacky”-type dinner with no baking. Go for a charcuterie board and some fruit, or mix and match some snacks you already have in the pantry. Think chips and dip, dried fruit, nuts, crackers and cheese, bread and butter or dip, etc.
  • Keep the drinks easy. Try setting out some tea bags, hot chocolate, or coffee bar ingredients. Chances are you already have these in your pantry, so you don’t have to go out and buy anything.
  • Take it to the yard. Maybe it’s summertime and you have a crowded house… Have a yard party instead! Break out the lawn chairs, cold drinks, and twinkle lights if you’re going for a fun, after-dark theme. Or invite your friends over for a campfire and s’mores.


yard party



Make it cute:

Even if your house is not the most aesthetic place you’ve seen, there’s a few little touches you can add to make it look as presentable as possible:



  • Cut some wildflowers and put them on the counter or a table for a cheery burst of color


  • A wreath on the front door is a super cute greeting for your visitors… It’s simple, but adds a touch of elegance before they even go inside.


cute house decor



  • Use cute jars and containers to store cooking utensils, toothpicks, or other things you keep out on the counters.


  • Light a candle or put some refreshing oils in a diffuser for a clean and seasonal vibe. Keep in mind that some people are very sensitive and even allergic to certain scents.


cozy candle



  • Put some background music on for ambience.


  • String some twinkle lights over the mantel, throughout a wreath, or stuff a string inside of a mason jar for table decor. This adds an elegant look to your aesthetic.



These are just a few tips you can try, but at the end of the day, choose to be OK with how your house looks. It will never be perfect. Most guests don’t even care that much about how your house looks. They just care that you invited them into your home to spend time with them.


How to host events



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How to Maintain a Sourdough Starter

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